Open House

Friday, August 18, 2017 No comments

It is time to begin thinking about Open House! One of the things I do to prepare for open house night is put together "Survival Kits" for students. I grab all my items at Dollar Tree and place them in clear plastic bags and tie with ribbon. Then I place this note through the tie! Look Below. 

                                               Click Here

I also start thinking about the parents and how they can be involved throughout the year. I have a form for how to help in the classroom. 

For those who are not available during the school day to assist, I tell parents that our class would benefit greatly from donations of any of the following items throughout the year.
Disinfectant wipes, paper plates, plastic forks and spoons, and hand sanitizer. I use sign up genius for parents to sign up for these items. 

Another key item is a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt allows kids to notice the things in the classroom that we will be going over. If you do an open house after school starts, you can have students make the hunt for their parents in the upper grades or create one for the students to take their parents on in the younger grades. I have included the links to the ones I have used in both upper and lower elementary.

Just Breathe

Tuesday, August 8, 2017 No comments

As I grow older in years and in my faith, God consistently places women in my path who model things I need to know. My mom taught me about keeping a home that’s peaceful and full of love. In my teen years, my Grandma showed me what it looked like to pray consistently for loved ones! 

                             My Grandma and I: She always makes sure I know she is praying for me!
Later, a parent in my son’s kindergarten class became my friend. She showed me how to be a good mom while I was facing a chaotic household of four children. Little does she know that I watched the way she handled her boys and she gave me hope that I could be a good mom too!
Today, a friend of mine, one who I’ve grown closer to over the years, knew just what I needed. A Diet Coke and a chance to get to my classroom! I have been bound up at home after major knee surgery unable to drive. She too is a teacher and has much to do. She sacrificed her time to help me out. She taught me how to be selfless today.

                                       The pieces my friend  put in place today to help me out! 
Each woman and many others have shared with me something that I needed in order to grow.

The School Year is approaching. In Isaiah 41:10 the Bible says, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I

I love instant gratification, which makes patience hard to come by. During August, my patience is such a struggle. I know that patience is developed when my heart is connected to God. It grows from the knowing that He is in control and that He will work everything out in his timing. As I look back on these woman and think about many others who have been placed in my life at the right time and place, I see God being with me. He cares so deeply about my every need. He doesn't just watch over me though, I have faith He is watching over us all. Be encouraged and think about the times when He has been showing up in your life! I can't wait to share His goodness this year in my classroom. He is always working...