November Activities

Monday, November 6, 2017 No comments
When is the best time of the year to be thankful? ANYTIME, right!  It should be anytime, however, we typically think about them in the month of November. So if you are looking for new ideas this month, Look no further...

Idea #1

Thank you Lord...

 I have two versions. One that says "Thank you Lord" and "Thank you for." Since I work in Christian School, I have used the first version. If you are in public education, you would have to use the second one. Place this on the fridge and you are ready to go when Thanksgiving dinner arrives and you want to proclaim the good things He has done for you.  Click HERE if you are interested.

Idea #2
Turkey in Disguise

This has to be one of my favorite writing assignments of all time. Not really faith building, but it definitely brings in the community building aspect! They always turn out so silly and funny. The kids enjoy it too! Click HERE if you want the template.

Idea #3

A pocketful of thankfulness!

Click HERE and you can create a November bulletin board set. Students write about the person that they are thankful for.  Then they draw a picture and write a name of that person. They place that person's picture card in their pocket. You hang it up.